Monday 10 February 2014

Weekend at the vets!

This weekend had seen us spend an unusually large amount of time at the vets Saturday we took our 13yr old dog who's started weeing in the house even if she's been outside and drinking lots more water than normal and has some large fatty lumps over her body she had a urine test which showed it was very dilute but no signs of infection or diabetes and they took some blood which has shown something with liver/kidneys so we have to go back weds morning for a different blood test and go from there - cost £45 as she is covered by the vets insurance scheme.

Then sunday night after a lovely day visiting family in Yorkshire we came back to find the youngest cat constantly going to his litter tray but not doing anything, hubby googled this and panicked so we rang our vets who have out of hours cover thinking they'd give us advice over phone and put mind at rest but they wanted to see him sooner rather than later.  I was ready for bed with kids asleep Chris had had a drink so had to get his dad to come round and take him

Buttons bladder was full and vet massaged and managed to get a bit of urine out to test and found infection and lots of crystals, so they gave him some antibiotics, anti inflammatory and diazepam in the hope it would relax everything overnight so he could wee.

We had to separate the two cars overnight so we could tell if Button had been able to go unfortunately his litter tray was dry so back to the vets at 9 this morning his bladder was the size of a grapefruit so they decided to keep him in and sedate him to catheterise him, when they tried to get him out of his catbox he started weeing on his own accord and the vet helped him out and they managed to empty his bladder without the need for anaesthetic - phew! Apparently he was really scared whilst at the vets and hasn't wee'd since so they thought it best he comes home.

He's had another antibiotic injection which will last 14days I think and he's come home on anti inflammatories and a special diet for two days then we have to pick up a new prescription food they've had to order in as it's a special urine diet which is low in calories as the poor lad aswell as being ill he has to loose weight and go from 6.5kg to 4.5kg!!!!! Cost today - £265!!!! The appt last night was 180 of that shocking and that's not including his new diet!

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