Monday 17 March 2014

St Patrick's Day

We're not Irish and as a general rule we don't really celebrate St Patricks day but any excuse to get the paint and glue out and get a bit messy!  I searched Pinterest but couldn't find exactly what I wanted so we 'winged' it!

I fancied doing rainbows with pots of gold with them so while B was still sleeping and G had his breakfast I made a rainbow of paints ready

We sang 'I can sing a rainbow' whilst learning the colours and since B was still sleeping I thought G could make a leprechaun out of a toilet roll tube so I let him loose with the green paint!

It's lovely seeing how much more concentration he has and he's now able to work alone (that is when my OCD about how it should look doesn't kick in!) he also decided that the inside of the tube needed some paint too! This was then very wet and soggy so we let it dry

We moved onto making the rainbow we used half a paper plate and with guidance G painted semicircles of different colours he likes to use plenty of paint so again this was quite wet so we put it to one side while we turned our attention to gluing and sticking.  I'd pre-cut some shaped out of card and craft foam to make a pot of gold and the leprechauns face we used pom-poms for coins and pipe cleaner for his beard and arms.  I also found done felt letters which fitted nicely onto the pots

Here is the finished leprechaun he turned out alright considering we didn't know what we were doing!

To finish off G's rainbow he glued on some cotton wool clouds and then I hung his pot of gold in the middle

Meanwhile B eventually woke up and we made a rainbow out of handprints which is very effective

Whe concentrating on B I gave G the other half of the plate and his green paint back, at this point he was clean! I looked down to do a handprint and looked up to find G wasn't satisfied with a cardboard leprechaun and had decided to turn himself into one too!!! 

Needless to say everyone needed a bath before lunch!

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