Thursday 23 January 2014

Aldi baby events a review

Its that time of year again and the Aldi Baby and Toddler Event is back on from Thursday the 30th January so its time to stock up on some multipack deals as well as known brand bargains.

This time there are plenty of Nuby products in the event which is a brand we love for their bright coloured products which tick boxes by being both atractive to children but have actual practical uses unlike many novelty items you can pick up these days.

Lets start with bath toys: We have got some bath letters and numbers, they are bright foam shapes which float and stick to the bath wall. They are lightweight so brilliant when the kids are sharing a bath as we don't have to worry about G throwing them at B.  They have many educational uses, we've started using them to teach G colours and sorting them as he's still a bit young for numbers and letters.  These retail most places @£5.99 but Aldi are selling these and other bath toys @ £3.99 which in my opinion is a steal, my only bug bear is picking them all out of bath so we can use the shower.  Note to self need to put bath toy scoop on G's birthday list!

There are also a variety of Nuby teethers on sale @£1.99, we have been testing a Polar Pals polar bear teether. So far this is getting a big thumbs up from us. G never really bothered with any of the hundreds of teething products we bought him but this little polar bear is already getting some use from B. Its small size makes it perfect for tiny fingers and mouths and it can be chilled in the fridge to sooth those aching gums.  You can't go wrong at the price in this Aldi Baby Event even if your child doesn't like it you've not broken the bank.

On top of that there are a variety of Nuby cups and beakers, the Grip and Sip cup was the first cup we used for G when trying to move away from bottles. We liked it because it has a soft spout similar to a teat but G could manage to use it himself.  These are retailing at a specialbuy price of £1.79 so I'd stock up now, as you can never have enough baby cups as they always seem to go missing...well they do in this house anyway.  G also loves his iMonster Snack Keeper so I think we might pick up a flower one for when B's older while they are on offer.

Another brand featured in the Baby and Toddler Event is Tommee Tippee mostly essential basics feeding equipment including bowls, food pots, spoons and first cup.

The bowls are £1.79 for three and the rest retail at an amazing 99p and again you can never have enough of these products they either go missing or get stained or marked from going in the microwave or in the case of the cup teeth marks on the spout.   Our favourites are the food pots as they have so many uses, when first weaning they are the perfect size for freezing small portions, now we use them for freezing individual portions of veg for quick meals for G, for taking snacks out in the change bag and for keeping B's soothers sterile.

You can also get hold of a few Avent products, G has always used their soothers which are going to be on sale @ £2.49.  In the past we've paid up to £4.99 for them, so these are on my shopping list as since G got his big teeth we've been going through them like wildfire.

Another favourite we always pick up at Aldi events are their muslin cloths, we've had plenty in the past but we've found Aldi's to be one of the softest and largest on the market and at only £3.29 for three this is a bargain buy.  Not sure how we coped pre G without muslin cloths in the house and they are an ideal gift for new parents.

For the first time you will be able to get hold of not only Mamia nappy multipacks but also their award winning wipes which work out at costing less than 1p a wipe.

So here's my shopping list: I'm attempting a nappy cake for my Sister-in-law who's due their first baby 15th February and i am going to mostly use products from Aldi - post to follow!

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