Tuesday 24 September 2013

5 weeks and counting

Around 30weeks ago I gingerly took a pregnancy test it was 35 days since my last period but since having G that wasn't unusual, it was positive, I sat there in disbelief so took another that was positive too.  Panic set in what was I going to do G was only 9 months old we hadn't necessarily been trying but seen as we both now in the late 30's bracket we weren't exactly not trying! So I shouldn't really have been so shocked but not to give too much away, it hadn't exactly been a month of opportunity! 

So many questions going through my head.  How was I going to cope with 2 under 2? How were we going to afford it I'd only just handed my notice in a couple of weeks before.  What were people going to think of us having another so soon?  How could I live another child as much?  I'd got my head around it a bit by the time chris came home from work and when I told him he was so excited I relaxed instantly.  My parents live in Malaysia and they were coming over around the time we'd be 12 weeks so we decided not to tell anyone until then we thought it would be nice to be able to tell them to their faces for a change to over the phone. Those were the hardest 6 weeks of my life I was bursting to tell people but couldn't before mum knew! (She'd kill me!)

This pregnancy has been completely different to the last a lot less heartburn thankfully although it's started making up for list time this last few weeks!  'Bob' is way more active than G was I'm sure they think they're some sort of Acrobat!  I'm starting to get more uncomfortable and sleep is getting harder but not unusual when you are the size of a beached whale!  I am also starting to ache in my back and also bottom of bump I don't think this is helped by stooping over to help G on uneven surfaces! Other symptoms I won't go into detail include leaky boobs and don't even  mention the pelvic floor!!!

With 5 weeks to go I've finally decided to get organised as feeling guilty not really thought about it this time.  It's not that I don't care as much it's a lack of time and money.  G is very full on at the minute he's so mobile and had quite a few big teeth come through these last few weeks so unfortunately when I need to be catching up on sleep in preparation for the impending sleepless nights I've been up and down doing the okey kokey between his cot and our bed. 

 But that said we are getting somewhere we've bought a second hand tandem pram and neighbours have given us a cot as their youngest is now in a bed.  Is it fair though that just because 'Bob' came along second he/she should have all second hand when G had practically everything brand new?  I hope so because it means that we will be able to do other things with the two of them and they will both know they are loved we shall make sure of that.

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