Friday 6 September 2013

Blackberry and apple jam

I hate the hedge at the front of our house its mostly laurel with some other bush which had little yellow flowers then black round berries (I'm not a gardener -can you tell!) and lots of spiky brambles which attack you every time you go near it!

This year there were hundreds of plump blackberries so I braved the prickles and picked those I could get to wad very surprised with my haul and ended up with over half a kilo and there were still some waiting to ripen!

Now I'm not a big berry fan but I remember blackberry picking as a child and my mum used to make blackberry and apple jam with them having never really attempted jam myself i found a simple recipe from delicious magazine which can be found here:

I bubbled up my fruit in a large jam pan I received when my Nanna passed away last year 

Not being a fan of berries I opted to seive  the fruit what a nightmare but do worth the extra effort!

I sterilised my jars and when I'd finished I ended up with 3 and a bit jars of jam

I was very impressed that it set even though the kitchen did look a little like a crime scene!

It was my sister in laws birthday so I found some left over material to make a cover and made a tag I was very impressed with finished product but forgot to take a pic!

The jam itself was a little on the set side (but not bad for a first effort if I do day so myself!) but I was instantly transported back to my childhood it has gone down a treat in this house and were already down to the last half a jar in just over a fortnight which is not bad going as jam lasts us a year sometimes! There's an enormous sense if satisfaction in giving my son something homemade like that and he obviously loves it!

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