Tuesday 17 September 2013

My birth story

As due date no 2 comes ever closer I thought it was about time to share my first birth experience!

Apart from an unhealthy gaviscon addiction due to an exceptional amount of heartburn I had a pretty straightforward uneventful pregnancy my due date was Sunday 6th may (chris was hoping for a Star Wars say baby!) but it came and went and no sign of any movement.  I was booked in with midwife on the thurs for a sweep when I got to my appointment she performed all the usual tests dipped my wee and checked my blood pressure, she then turned and asked if i had transport (I knew that wasn't good!) turns out there was protein in my urine and my blood pressure had shot up through the roof I can't remember the exact figure now but it was in the region of 200/100.  So she rang the day ward at the hospital and informed them i was on my way.  Fortunately on this particular day fate had made chris work extremely local and by the time I'd walked home and made sure I'd got my bags and notes he was back looking a little stressed bless him!

We got to the hospital and put on the day ward where I wax attached to monitors to check baby and my bp which came down a little but not enough so consultant decided to admit me and start induction.  Now I'll admit I read up on every aspect if pregnancy except induction - it wasn't going to happen that way so didn't need to know! 

On the ward I was given my own room but because the delivery suite was busy it was nearly 24hrs before I was seen by dr and a pessary inserted I think this was supposed to be left in 12hrs but again was more like 24hrs before seen again and no change so had some gel then. By this point getting very fed up sick of being in hospital!  The next morning (Sunday!) on examination I was 4cm dilated so they could break my waters I just had to wait for a bed upstairs! At 4pm they came to get me.  

Nothing went as planned! I had planned for an active birth but I had to be attached to all the monitors and so was bed bound. The monitors gave chris endless entertainment in fact the most helpful comment was "ooh that one wasn't as big as the last one was it?" With respect to my contractions- yes he is still with us!  My waters were broken and a drip attached to my arm which made contractions start fast and furious.  All dignity goes in childbirth I wasn't allowed to leave the bed so hubby and midwife had to lift me onto a bedpan! Mortifying up until that point never seen me wee before! Whole other story now going in family baby change rooms! 

I was also determined not to have pain relief but as laid on back G was pushing onto my coxic so asked for an epidural anaesthetist held up so had to wait, I waited for an hr or two then asked again but still busy so asked if I had some diamorphine could I still have an epidural! At this point they came in with epidural and lots of people appeared I was feeling a but like at the end of a night out in a night club with the music flooding in and out and a bit of room spinning! Chris found this hilarious! Turns out they'd all appeared as G's heart rate had dropped and we needed to get him out, fortunately he was lie down enough that we managed with vontouse and didn't need the forceps they'd brought in so only ended up with secondary tear.  I was a little shocked when they said it was a boy is convinced myself we were having a girl but he was perfect he didn't even have a funny shaped head from the vontouse!  The icing on the cake was G crowning as our wedding first dance song take that rule the world came on radio!

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