Tuesday 29 October 2013

39 weeks pregnant

A little late with this post but as you'll find out I've been a bit busy! Last tues started with pain in lower back (feels more like bum!) saw midwife on thurs @39 weeks she's referred me to physio who I'll see on weds (day before dday!!!) bp 140/82 also said I had oedema in legs - I'd not noticed anything so booked a home visit on Sunday for monitoring.

Sunday came and midwife turned up about 11.30 bp 120/104! Did a recheck was 140/96 so it was a trip up to the day unit!  We dropped G off at the inlaws on the way and picked up some mcds as not had lunch then straight to hospital.  Fortunately not too busy when got there about 1ish so was put straight into monitor had 3 relatively normal readings then on last one where she'd have sent me home went back up to 142/91 so had to wait for a review with a doctor.  Unfortunately there'd been an emergency c section so everyone was in theatre.  The day unit closes around 4.30 so then got taken up onto maternity ward to wait for a doctor there, was only sat there about 10 minutes when called through was put in a single ward and wasn't long before doctor arrived had a chat and decided needed rechecking tues at day unit and see midwife thurs then attached me to ctg to check baby- who is fine and gave a text book reading!

Monday morning rang to organise appointment at day unit and found out was only for single bp reading so asked if could organise community midwife to do it, there was a local clinic on Monday and they got me an appt for in 10mins so rushed to get there weeing in a pot before I left.  It was the same midwife again poor woman sick of seeing me!  Bp up again 130/98 and 140/90 on retaking! But there was protein in wee so another trip to day unit!  Which was absolutely heaving when I got there so had a long wait bp profile pretty normal but wanted me to see doctor to come up with care plan!

Doctor discussed sweep and induction with me and got excited thought they were going to do a sweep there and then and start the ball rolling but when he came back after talking to his boss decided to send off some bloods if they came back ok then will see my consultant thurs to discuss induction but if came back raised urates then they'd have me back there and sort out induction.  'Unfortunately' they came back ok slightly elevated but not to be a concern so have to wait till Thursday morning now for anything proactive! Which is due day anyway!!! 

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